Tuesday, May 22, 2012

TFM: Fire Warrior Needs A Base

From still practicing_
On Saturday I was hanging out at the park with my wife and kids. While my wife was following our toddler around, my son and I were hanging out a bench watching the bedlam that is play equipment at a public park. I noticed that the outfit my son was wearing would make for a pretty cool scheme. So when we got home later that evening I grabbed a fire warrior, because I have a jillion of them, and tried it out. In all I like it. But I always like painted fire warriors. That mini gets a huge pass from me because I think they look so cool.

Normally I do bases first on everything I paint, but I couldn't get anything to stick in my head that I liked. I figured that wouldn't deter me. It would come to me as I painted. Sadly, it didn't. I am kind of at a loss. Thus, I appeal to you internets, give to me your science! Any help on color suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
From still practicing_
From still practicing_

Thanks for reading,


  1. You should really leave him in that "awkward dancing pose" regardless of what base you go for, that would be ace.

    As to the actualy base itself - dunno'. Perhaps a vibrant alien jungly theme, to suggest that the colours are camo?

  2. @gms40k

    I think all Tau are dancers on the inside.

    Vibrant jungle theme sounds interesting, way interesting. I will have to google some pics and see what I can see.

  3. I'd go with a golden yellow, about the same color saturation as the green and orange.

    I think it would help set off the fact that these are evil black-armored dancing Tau rather than your run of the mill happy brown-armored dancing Tau

  4. I'm thinking they might be in a deep jungle with little light, hence the black armor. Drak green moss with a few spots of bright green foliage maybe?

  5. @grotzilla- Yellow. I think I might be able to see something there...

    @Spyrie- Another vote for the jungle. I am curious about the effect on the model if I use a dark base, since it is already so dark. It might get lost. It is the curse of camouflage on model. Where it seems like the better you do it, the better it works. And from a few feet the model just all kind of blends together.

    Thanks everyone for your help on this. I will post a pic of him based as soon as I have settled in.
