Monday, April 23, 2012

TFM: My Assault on Assault on Black Reach Part 14

From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines
If you followed me here from my other blog you may already be familiar with this series. If not, it is pretty easy to guess. I have had the AoBR marine contingent kicking around for ever, so I decided to paint them up in the colors of my favorite chapter, the Dark Angels.

This weekend I was able to get five tac marines done after taking too long a break from this project. I like these models, despite how static they are. The posing makes them seem bigger and bulkier to me, whether or not they actually are I have no idea. The sarge model is pretty cool as well, and I had a good time working on him.
From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines

I know Dark Angels purists will take umbridge with the tactical markings on the shoulder, as the single arrow isn't what the chapter uses. I can make up a bunch of excuses, but there was no way in hell I was going to shave all those arrows off. Maybe if I had a dremel or something. Sorry purists, my laziness is my shame.
From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines

So, Captain, terminators, and five tac marines down. Five tac marines and a drednought to go. Who knows, I may even get this done before the next box set releases? Some are even saying it will have actual Dark Angels...

Thanks for reading,


  1. Really nice work on those mate, I like the models, the slightly static poses are mainly to do with the gun being held so close to the chest i think. The red arrows might not be correct but they make a great excuse to slap on some more contrasting red.

  2. Thanks for the props Crosser Modelling. Contrast is always good for Space Marines. Especially with such simplistic, yet cool, sculpts.
